We don’t cast the net wide, but carefully consider targeted opportunities.

Whether it’s regarding buying or selling, our substantive approach makes all the difference.

We discuss your goals to find exactly what you’re looking for

Proactive deal creation
There are always opportunities to be found in the market. Whether these companies are an appropriate match for your business, that is the real question. Westeinde therefore takes a different approach and looks not only at the opportunities that present themselves to you, but also at the opportunities you can proactively create yourself.

Internation M&A
Growing in the Netherlands or growing internationally are two different worlds. Different legislation, cultures, habits, and manners make international growth riskier than acquisitions in your own country. The Westeinde team has extensive experience with acquisitions in the European market and knows where the pitfalls are, and also where the opportunities lie.

Proactive deal creation the Westeinde way
The core of our working method is an open and substantive approach. We start by talking to acquisition candidates about business development, rather than directly talking about acquisition.
This collaborative perspective highlights possibilities to mutually strengthen each other’s business. This in turn tends to flow quite naturally into further discussions about (joint) growth opportunities.

An extensive network of specialists
Every country has its customs, legislations, and approaches. That’s why Westeinde has an extensive network of lawyers and M&A partners throughout Europe. With their local knowledge of the markets and related legislations, we can create a clear picture of the growth opportunities that are available for your business.

We prepare you for a future sale

International sale
Thanks to our extensive network at home and abroad and our thorough, substantive approach, we can market your company not only in the Netherlands but also beyond. Working with you, we look for the right approach and search for the ideal interested parties who can continue your business as you envision it. Creating interest from abroad is very likely to increase the price you receive for your company.

Finding the right buyer increases your chance of success
Selling is not just about money. You’ve put your heart and soul into your company for years. When you decide to sell it, you care about more than price alone. That’s why we look for the perfect fit. Are your company’s strengths clear to a potential buyer? Together we look at what you have built and how you want your successor to proceed.

Knowing the market means knowing the (prospective) buyers
Our focus on tangible markets means that we know our way around these sectors, both in the Netherlands and abroad. This market knowledge is invaluable when it comes to selling your company. After examining the market thoroughly, we can identify suitable parties who perfectly complement your company.

Let’s think about your growth strategy together

Finding opportunities
Do you want to grow, but you don’t know how? Westeinde can help get you started. We examine your company, the market, and your ambitions to identify your opportunities. Together we develop a robust growth strategy and select suitable companies for your business development.

Determining your future
Where will you be in five years? Perhaps you want to retire or have other plans. Westeinde helps you get clarity about the options available to you, even before you want to sell. This may sound premature, but good preparation is half the battle. By thinking ahead about your company’s future, you will be prepared to seize the right opportunities at the right time.

Finding opportunities

Our market mapping covers the full spectrum of growth options

Growth can happen in various ways: you can expand your services or product portfolio, grow geographically or increase your market share, tap into new customer groups, or grow ‘vertically’ within the chain. Whatever your strategy, growth is best achieved with a clear view of the market. We carefully map this out, to find candidates that perfectly complement your company.

Determining your future

It’s never too early to think about selling

When you’re fully immersed in the daily operations of running a business, selling it isn’t the first thing on your mind. Nevertheless, it’s important to consider the potential sale of your company from time to time – because if you prepare now, you’ll be in a stronger position when the time comes. We carefully consider the options with you and ensure you do not miss out on any opportunities.


Would you like to get in touch? Make an appointment now

Are you looking for the right way to grow? Or considering to sell your company? Westeinde is happy to think along with you without any obligations.

Call Kees-Jan to discuss your goals and opportunities.